Bully Free League

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I Love to Bake

It is pretty amazing what you learn about yourself once you start to build self-confidence. When I start becoming sure of myself and my abilities I learned that I had a lot of hidden talents. One that a lot of people love is my baking. . .

The great thing about baking is that it is so therapeutic is so many ways especially when you do everything by hand. It is a classic craft all its own that has gained so much attention once competitions became televised and it evolved. I try to put that same effort into my sons and their favorite activity so they have that as their own moment to just be where ever they feel they need to be.

You cannot always focus on the bullying or negative stuff because the stress will become too unbearable. You need to give yourself and even more importantly your child an outlet to just feel or think or not at all. Sometimes the most can be felt and understood in a moment of silence.