Bully Free League

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Christmas Break

Parents I know we are all trying to figure out all the things we can do for the break with out kids. As the days to Christmas countdown we are busy preparing for Santa’s big arrival. I hope you also take this time to really talk to your children about all the other things too. Not every child has a family or Christmas this year or will next year and not every child understands this or why. Things like this lead to potential isolation or bullying scenarios when they return to school. I know kids are all excited about Christmas but we all work hard to provide so it would be ideal to give something small from Santa and letting your child know all the big gifts came from you. This way children who receive small gifts do not feel less love from Santa but understand that some families do have the ability to provide more. Also, you want your kids to know that though Santa cares parents work hard to show how much they care too. The joy of giving comes from the smiles we create on children’s faces, dont you agree?