Bully Free League

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Are Bullies the Problem?

I wonder sometimes is the real issue bullies or the fear they have created. . .

Through this time I have read so many stories and had so many conversations with people. I know the need for the solution is there but it seems like too many people are fearful to take that step even if it is a peaceful one to rid their lives of a bully. I have spent many years studying psychology so I had to take a moment to really evaluate the situation because I want to understand. Is there a fear of confrontation even if it is through a neutral party? Is there a fear of a solution even being real? Is the problem less about the bully for some people and more the snowball effect that has resulted because of the bully?

Maybe the lack of support, compassion, accountability from other sources has made those in the bullying situation feel completely hopeless to an end. That’s the problem, not the bully, but the impact that a bully has had a person or family. The torment, the unanswered need for help, the lack of accountability, well maybe, the problem is so many people are just tired of it all.

The fear might no longer be the issue that people are facing the true problem is exhaustion. Let me be the one to say, be tired enough to let try something completely different that does not aim to place hardships but promote happiness.