What Bullying Means to Me

As a child, being a victim of bullying was tough, I always felt alone and never understood why people were so mean to me. As it continued through my teenage years I grew insecure and withdrew from so many things. I spent countless times wondering if I truly mattered.

As an adult, I try to protect my children from bullying, assure them that they need to be comfortable in who they are and no matter what I will always love them. When you are being bullied especially when it comes through so many forms you need to know that someone genuinely loves you. You need to hear it because you are constantly being tormented with the words and actions of people who either don’t even know you are once said they cared about you.

Victims of bullying will always stand up for others and give them their all but they won’t always do it for themselves. It’s funny to think about it that way but it is easier to intervene for others. Most people do not understand that concept but broken pieces cannot fix themselves. Someone who is dealing with the hardships of bullying are in a constant internal fight to not see what they are being told as the truth. Bullies probably struggle just as much as their victims but their hurt turns into misdirected aggression. Some people are just mean because they are no rhyme or reason.

The reality is most of us are victims we just come out of the situation in differently.

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